vongolaprimo yo
vongolaprimo what's up with Ghost dawg?
eytang8@yahoo.com It's a movie I watched a while back
vongolaprimo oh I see
vongolaprimo cool I guess
eytang8@yahoo.com About this black guy who follows the rules and stuff of being a samurai
vongolaprimo ....
vongolaprimo uh
vongolaprimo is it something similar to Afro Samurai?
eytang8@yahoo.com No
eytang8@yahoo.com It's modern day
eytang8@yahoo.com and the guy is a hitman
eytang8@yahoo.com It's a live action movie
vongolaprimo oh
vongolaprimo that's cool...
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah.
vongolaprimo So, I ask Della if she wants to hang out next week
vongolaprimo she said sure but I'm kinda in the same situation as you. Anyways, I won't be alone with her though.
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm
vongolaprimo ooooh
vongolaprimo thanks to Mitchel's status, I know I can do with them next week
eytang8@yahoo.com lawl
vongolaprimo Yeah
vongolaprimo watch Dragonball lol
eytang8@yahoo.com Bleh, I need to do something with Erika someday
vongolaprimo Yeah...
vongolaprimo something that the both of you would enjoy
vongolaprimo keep that in mind, I guess.
eytang8@yahoo.com My parents said yes
vongolaprimo alright cool
vongolaprimo so u guys can drop me off?
vongolaprimo cool so uh..when r u going to Mitchells?
eytang8@yahoo.com Are people over at MItchell's?
vongolaprimo not sure
vongolaprimo so uh when r u going?
eytang8@yahoo.com I've got no clue
eytang8@yahoo.com Mitchell is not responding on AIM
vongolaprimo he said it's around 7
vongolaprimo yeah he's not
vongolaprimo yep he said no one's there
vongolaprimo So, what time r u going to head out?
eytang8@yahoo.com I dunno
vongolaprimo hm alright
vongolaprimo I guess I'll head out around 6